Xiao Foyuan Vege Restaurant
Category:Smart Technology Restaurant

Restaurant Overview
Name:Xiao FoYuan Vege Restaurant
Category:Smart Technology Restaurant
Phone:03-6259 4069
Address:25,Jalan Metro Perdana Timur 3,Taman Usahawan Kepong,52100 Kuala Lumpur
Restaurant introduction
The Xiao FoYuan Vege Restaurant is located at No25, Jalan Metro Perdana Timur 3.
More than 60 dishes include vegetarian chicken, duck, meat, mushroom, tofu and vegetable soup. Suitable for family and friends gatherings. There are also more than 30 single seats, including curry lamb rice and Thai fried rice. Satisfy different consumer needs, economic benefits. We must eat well if the economy is bad.
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Restaurant specialties
Vietnamese bean wrappers
Mother honey bird meat
Yhofoodie Smart Restaurant Solution